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Michelle Ferrari
Italian adult actress
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Michelle Ferrari, is an Italian pornographic actress and television personality. Born as Cristina Ricci in La Spezia, Ferrari started her career in 2005 with an amateur film shot with her boyfriend of the time. She chose her stage name thanks to a vague resemblance to the television personality Michelle Hunziker. In 2007 she published an autobiography, Volevo essere Moana, edited by Mondadori; the book was released simultaneously with a novel of her mother, Fioralba Vittoria Latella, Ho trovato il punto G nel cuore. In 2012 she announced her candidature for the municipal elections in La Spezia with the Five Star Movement; her candidature was subsequently withdrawn by the same party following the ensuing clamor. Ferrari took part to several television programs, including Maurizio Costanzo Show and Il Bivio. In 2009 she took part at the Radio DeeJay variety television Quasi TG and co-hosted the Comedy Central show Il Filmaccio. She also starred in the practical jokes of the FX show Sexy Camera all?italiana and of the Comedy Central show Sexy Angels. 
December 22nd, 1983 in La Spezia (Age 41)
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New Scanned Autograph (In-P/Authentic)
New Response (Success): received two signed cards, signed on the back of t..
New Scanned Autograph (TTM/Prob.Auth)
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