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Sean Green (3)
Former NBA Player
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General Information
Sean Curtis Green is a retired American professional basketball player and USA Triathlon certified triathlon coach. He is currently the head girls basketball coach at Convent of the Sacred Heart Prep School. Green played basketball for #2 nationally ranked high school Oak Hill Academy in 1987. He then attended North Carolina State University and Iona College, and was selected 41st overall by the Indiana Pacers in the 1991 NBA Draft. After playing two years with Indiana, Green opted to be traded to the Philadelphia 76ers. At the midpoint of his third year Green was traded to the Utah Jazz, where he finished the 1994 season, and his NBA venture. Green went on to play eight more years professionally in Europe/Asia/South America: Venezuela, Israel, Italy, Philippines, Turkey and France. In 2004, Green created Green Storm Fitness LLC, a duathlon and triathlon racing team and personal and multisport training company based in New York City's metropolitan area. In 2010, Green took over the girls varsity basketball program at the Convent of the Sacred Heart preparatory school in Greenwich, CT. 
February 2nd, 1970 in Santa Monica (Age 55)
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