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Klinton Spilsbury
Played the Lone Ranger in The Legend of The Lone Ranger 1981
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Klinton Spilsbury is a former American actor. His sole known acting credit is the film The Legend of the Lone Ranger, in which he played the title role. Spilsbury, descended from Mormon settlers in Mexico, spent much of his childhood in Arizona, where his father was a football coach, first in the high school ranks and then at Arizona State Teachers College. After his father left Northern Arizona, the family returned to Mexico, settling in Colonia Ju�rez. The younger Spilsbury briefly attended Brigham Young University before moving to Hollywood to attempt to break into acting. Using the name Max Keller in 1979, he moved to New York City where he did a few minor bit parts on a few daytime soaps. Klinton Spilsbury's dialogue in The Legend of the Lone Ranger was dubbed by actor James Keach. Considerable controversy surrounded Spilsbury at the time of the film's release, in part because of the studio's treatment of Clayton Moore, star of the popular '50s TV series, who was prevented through legal action from wearing his black mask during personal appearances. [More at Wikipedia]
March 4th, 1951 in Chihuahua (Age 74)
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