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Anna Sundstrand
Member of Play
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General Information
Anna Maria Carolina Sundstrand is a Swedish singer and model. She was a member of the Swedish pop group Play from the group's formation in 2001 when she was 12 until their breakup in 2005. Sundstrand was the youngest member of the group until Janet Leon joined in 2003. Anna was selected to be a part of the group Play by Laila Bagge, who owned a dance studio in Sweden called 'Sway' in which Anna was enrolled. Anna is a relative of the Swedish actress Greta Garbo. Since Play's disbanding, 170 cm Anna began a modeling career, signing with Model Management Group based in New York City and posing for a 2006 calendar being marketed to the same audience that followed Play. Additionally, she has been exploring a solo singing career. She has performed several times with Chris Trousdale, a former member of boy band Dream Street. Her debut album was expected to be released in 2007, but production of the album halted for unknown reasons. Sundstrand was most often heard singing the middle harmony/melody line of Play songs, but sometimes she also sang the higher harmonies. 
February 22nd, 1989 in Stockholm (Age 36)
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