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Robert N. Jackson
WWII: PTO. Japanese surrender Tokyo Bay. USS Missouri
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General Information
Robert John "Robin" Jackson, also known as The Jackal, was a Northern Irish loyalist who held the rank of brigadier in the Ulster Volunteer Force during the period of violent ethno-nationalist conflict in Northern Ireland known as the Troubles. He was the commander of the UVF's Mid-Ulster Brigade from 1975 to the early 1990s when Billy Wright took over as leader. From his home in the small village of Donaghcloney, County Down, located five miles southeast of Lurgan, Jackson is alleged to have organised and committed a series of killings ? mainly against Catholics, although he was never convicted in connection with any killing and never served any lengthy prison terms. At least 50 killings in Northern Ireland have been attributed to him, according to Stephen Howe and David McKittrick. An article by Paul Foot in Private Eye suggested that Jackson led one of the teams that bombed Dublin on 17 May 1974, killing 26 people, including two infants. Royal Ulster Constabulary Special Patrol Group officer John Weir, himself a convicted murderer, also maintained this in an affidavit. 
September 27th, 1948 in Donaghmore, County Tyrone  /  Died:   Nov 18th, 2020 - aged 97
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This celebrity has passed away
Date: Nov 18th, 2020 - aged 97
This page has been left online for reference purposes only.
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