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Victor Cook
Animation storyboard artist
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General Information
Victor Cook is an American television director, writer, and producer. Cook is perhaps best known for producing and developing for television the animated television series The Spectacular Spider-Man along with Greg Weisman. Victor Cook is Director and Supervising Producer of Ben 10 Destroy All Aliens, a CGI made for TV movie scheduled for a late 2012 broadcast. Cook also is a Director on Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated, currently airing on Cartoon Network. Cook's past animated projects include: Atlantis: Milo's Return, The Legend of Tarzan, Buzz Lightyear of Star Command, Darkwing Duck, and Hellboy: Blood and Iron. Cook was called by Sony Entertainment alongside Greg Weisman to help develop a DVD project about Spider-Man. Both of them wanted to use a style from the early comic book publications of the character that showed him younger, which Cook had never seen done before in any adaption. The idea was reformatted to an animated television series, but they still kept a similar chronicle style where, as Cook describes, "each episode stands alone as its own story, but like the comic book itself it?s a saga. 
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