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Samu Haber
Finnish singer, songwriter, pop-rock band Sunrise Avenue
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General Information
Samu Aleksi Haber is a Finnish singer, songwriter, television music competition judge, entrepreneur, and the lead vocalist of pop-rock band Sunrise Avenue. Haber established a band Sunrise in 1992 with his friend Jan Hohenthal. Hohenhthal left the band in 2002 as he wanted to focus on his solo career. In 2002 Haber changed the band name to Sunrise Avenue. Between 2002 and 2005 Haber visited 102 record companies and agents trying to find a label for Sunrise Avenue's music. The first album was made with financial help from Haber's friend Mikko Virtala, who sold his house to pay the studio costs. Haber is an Ice Hockey fanatic and his favourite team is Helsinki IFK. Haber played ice hockey in Espoon Kiekkoseura until the age of 14 as defence-man attending tournaments also in Canada and USA. Haber's other hobbies are kettle bell training and jogging. Haber's band Sunrise Avenue has released three studio albums selling more than 1.000.000 copies and 1.500.000 singles worldwide. Haber is Sunrise Avenue's main song writer and he has written all the band's songs either alone or with a producer and cowriter. The last international hit Hollywood Hills Haber wrote alone. 
April 2nd, 1976 in Helsinki (Age 48)
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