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Larry Elliot
Baseball / 1962-66 / Outfielder for Pirates & Mets
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General Information
Lawrence Lee Elliot is an American former professional baseball player. An outfielder, he appeared in 157 Major League games, all but 12 of them for the New York Mets. The native of San Diego, California, attended Herbert Hoover High School, alma mater of Baseball Hall of Famer Ted Williams; he threw and batted left-handed, stood 6 feet 2 inches tall and weighed 200 pounds. Elliot was signed by the Pittsburgh Pirates as a 20-year-old out of San Diego City College, and spent four years in the Bucs' farm system before making his Major League debut with Pittsburgh in 1962. As a minor leaguer, Elliot had flashed home run power, hitting 16 homers in both 1958 and 1961, and 25 with the 1959 Wilson Tobs of the Class B Carolina League. Per the baseball rules then in force, Major League clubs could keep 28 players on their rosters for the first 30 days of the regular season, before cutting down to the 25-man active roster used until September 1. Elliot received the first of his two early-season trials for Pittsburgh in April 1962, and appeared in eight games, including one as the club's starting right fielder, and collecting three hits in ten at bats. 
March 5th, 1938 in (Age 87)
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