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Lisa Fithian
American political activist and author
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Lisa Fithian is an American political activist. She began her work in the mid-1970s as a member of student government in her high school and at Skidmore College. As a member and coordinator of the Washington Peace Center for 7 years during the 1980s, Fithian organized hundreds of events and demonstrations on a range of issues, both locally and nationally, and helped lead an extensive anti-racism process that transformed the Peace Center into a multicultural organization. In the early 1990s Lisa joined the labor movement, bringing her experience to the Justice for Janitors campaigns in Washington DC, Denver and Los Angeles and to nursing home workers in San Francisco and Detroit. She also provided training and support work to the United Auto Workers Union and with the Detroit Newspaper Strikers. Lisa has continued her work for social, economic and environmental justice, providing training and organizing support to many of the global justice mobilization around the world since the shut down of the WTO Ministerial in Seattle in 1999. After Hurricane Katrina, Lisa worked with the Common Ground Collective in New Orleans, organizing relief efforts. 
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