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David Goggins
Writer, athlethe, motivational speaker
  • General Info
General Information
David Goggins is a Navy SEAL and former USAF Tactical Air Control Party member TACP who has served in Afghanistan and is an ultramarathon runner, ultra-distance cyclist, and triathlete. After several of his friends died in Afghanistan, Goggins began long-distance running to raise money. Goggins wanted to enter the Badwater-135 Ultramarathon as a fund raiser, but was told by organizers that he needed to enter another ultramarthon first; as the Badwater is an invitational event. In 2005, Goggins entered the San Diego One Day, a 24-hour track ultramarathon held at the UCSD campus in San Diego. He was able to run 100 miles in under 19 hours despite never having run a marathon before. He was sunsequently granted entry into the 2006 Badwater-135. At the 2006 Badwater-135, he finished 5th overall, an unheard of result from a ultramarathon novice at a world-class event. Since this beginning, Goggins has competed in numerous long distance endurance events, most notably ultra-marathons; with the aim of charity for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, which gives college scholarships and grants to the children of fallen special operations soldiers. 
January 1st, 1975 in (Age 50)
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