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J. Clay Sell
Former United States Deputy Secretary of Energy (2005-2008)
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General Information
Clay Sell is a former United States Deputy Secretary of Energy who served in the George W. Bush administration from March 21, 2005 until he resigned, effective February 29, 2008. As chief operating officer of the Department of Energy, he assisted the Secretary with policy and programmatic oversight of a 23 billion dollar budget with over 100,000 employees. Sell also played a role in maintaining and strengthening the economic national security while supporting scientific and research missions conducted by the Department. Before moving to Washington DC, Sell practiced law in Texas. He received his bachelor?s degree from Texas Tech University and his J.D. from the University of Texas School of Law. He and his wife have three children. Jeffrey Kupfer, then Chief of Staff to Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman, was chosen to be acting Deputy Secretary after Sell announced his resignation. 
January 1st, 1967 in (Age 58)
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