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Roger Chase
South Dakota Republican state representative
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Roger Chase is a British violist who currently teaches at the Chicago College of Performing Arts at Roosevelt University. Roger Chase was born in London and studied under Bernard Shore during his studies at the Royal College of Music from 1964 to 1974. Mr. Chase received his ARCM degree [associate honors diploma] in 1974, one year prior to Tertis's death. Mr. Chase is the current owner of the 1717 Montagnana viola, which is the instrument that Tertis used during the height of his performing career, originally acquired in Paris when it was in pieces. This 17 1/8" instrument was the inspiration for his developing, after his retirement, the Tertis model viola. His hope was to create an instrument more manageable by those with smaller hands, yet with the same deep sonority of his Montagnana. The 1717 Montagnana was acquired by Bernard Shore during Tertis's retirement in 1937 and upon Bernard Shore's death, was passed down to Roger Chase. Mr. Chase made his debut performance in 1979 with the English Chamber Orchestra. Since then, he has played as a soloist or chamber musician in major cities in the UK, US, Canada, Australia, Japan, India, and all of Western Europe. Mr. 
January 1st, 1953 in London (Age 72)
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