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Andrzej Pagowski
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Andrzej P?gowski is a Polish artist who specializes in graphic design and poster art. P?gowski graduated from The State University of Fine Arts in Poznan in 1978 and began to design posters, which has since become his main interest. In addition to posters, he designs theatrical settings, prints and catalogues. One of the younger of the Third Generation of artists of Polish School of Posters, he easily made the transition from socialism to capitalism; in 1990, he created his own graphic studio, STUDIO P, which developed into an advertising agency in 1993 and continues in operation today. In 1992, he had become art director of the Polish edition of Playboy. As an artist, his individualized posters evoke a range of moods and ideas. He claims to have created a separate concept for each of his many posters, saying: ?Every poster for me is an individual exercise different from the previous one.? His art can be found in many European museums as well as the Museum of Modern Art in New York,. He has also had one-man shows in Stockholm, Paris, London, and Warsaw. 
January 1st, 1953 in Poland (Age 72)
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