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Pepe Mangual
Retired baseball player for the expos
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General Information
Jos� Manuel "Pepe" Mangual Guilbe is a former Major League Baseball outfielder. He played for the Montreal Expos and New York Mets. Mangual played one full season, in 1975 with the Expos. In that year he played in 140 games and hit .245 with a .340 on-base percentage. He also stole 33 bases, good for sixth place in the National League that year. Midway through the 1976 season, on July 21, Mangual was traded by the Expos along with Jim Dwyer to the Mets for Wayne Garrett and Del Unser. Mangual was acquired to help the Mets in the play-off hunt, but only managed a .186 average the rest of the season. 8 At-bats into the next year Mangual was off the team. He toiled around in the minor leagues for another seven years until 1984 when he called it quits after spending the last seven years in the California Angels organization. Mangual's career minor league numbers were good, a .268 average with a .391 on-base percentage and 161 home runs and 303 stolen bases. Pepe Mangual's brother is another former MLB player, Angel Mangual. His cousin is Coco Laboy. 
May 23rd, 1952 in Ponce (Age 72)
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New Response (Success): 2 signed ic's, he sent a signed TC, postmarked fro..
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