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Seiji Sakaguchi
Japanese Professional Wrestler
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General Information
Seiji Sakaguchi is a retired Japanese professional wrestler and judoka, Sakaguchi holds a 7th dan red and white belt in Judo. Sakaguchi was a mainstay of New Japan Pro Wrestling and also competed for the World Wide Wrestling Federation and the National Wrestling Alliance. His sons are professional wrestler and mixed martial arts fighter Yukio Sakaguchi and television actor Kenji Sakaguchi. Sakaguchi currently works for New Japan as an advisor. Before becoming a professional wrestler, he was a judoka with a fifth degree black belt and won the 1965 All Japan Judo Championship. Coach Koji Sone was accused by Geesink's teammates in the 1965 World Judo Championships of having Sakaguchi throw the match against the more rested Matsunaga in order to allow Matsunaga take on the weary Anton Geesink in the final round. He debuted in August 1967 for the Japan Wrestling Association. He would later join Antonio Inoki in forming New Japan Pro Wrestling in 1972. He retired from the ring in March 1990. He was the president of the National Wrestling Alliance from 1992 to 1993. 
February 17th, 1942 in Kurume (Age 83)
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