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Ivan Salaverry
UFC Fighter
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Ivan E. Salaverry is a Canadian mixed martial arts fighter and instructor. He is a member of Tito Ortiz's Team Punishment, and is known for his well-rounded skills. Salaverry is a middleweight veteran of the Ultimate Fighting Championship, BAMMA and the now-defunct World Fighting Alliance. In 2008 Salaverry fought his last fight for the UFC at UFC 84, losing to Rousimar Palhares by armbar in the first round. In 2011, Salaverry decided to return to MMA after 3 years out. He is also notable for being a pioneer of the crucifix-style position from side control, which is often referred to as "The Salaverry" during Mixed Martial Arts broadcasts, particularly by UFC commentator Joe Rogan. He also holds notable wins over Andrei Semenov and Joe Riggs. 
January 11th, 1971 in Toronto (Age 54)
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