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Aldona Wos
U.S. Ambassador to Estonia (2004-06)
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General Information
Aldona Zofia Wos is a physician who was the United States Ambassador to Estonia from 2004 until early December 2006. She was the fifth ambassador to Estonia since that country regained independence in 1991. She was born in Warsaw, Poland. Wos has a medical degree from Warsaw Medical Academy. She is the daughter of Paul Zenon Wos, a Flossenb�rg concentration camp survivor. Wos is a member of the American College of Physicians, the American Women's Medical Association, the American College of Chest Physicians, the Medical Society of the State of New York, the North Carolina Medical Society, and the Greater Greensboro Society of Medicine. As a physician, Wos prided herself on her work in the field of preventing HIV and AIDS. Wos moved from New York City to Greensboro, North Carolina in 1997 when her husband, Louis DeJoy, took over New Breed Logistics a company started by his father Dominick DeJoy Sr. in 1968. In North Carolina, she became an avid Republican Party fund-raiser. She was appointed North Carolina State Chair of Women for Senator Elizabeth Dole, and the North Carolina Finance Co-Chair for the 2004 Bush-Cheney presidential campaign. President George W. 
1955 in Warsaw
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