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Gary Michael Cappetta
Wrestling pitchman
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General Information
Gary Michael Cappetta is an American professional wrestling ring announcer, author, voice over artist, screenwriter and stage performer. For Years, He was dubbed "The World's Most Dangerous Announcer" by longtime friend and colleague Jim Cornette. Having spent more than 20 years in the middle of the pro wrestling ring he then wrote and self-published Bodyslams: Memoirs of a Wrestling Pitchman. The autobiography was so successful, that it was re-released by ECW Press in 2006 adding 10 more adventurous years to the critically acclaimed book. Cappetta is familiar to TV wrestling fans who watched him on World Wrestling Federation broadcasts from 1974 to 1985, followed by stints with the American Wrestling Association or the AWA and World Championship Wrestling shows. He can also be found on numerous Ring of Honor DVDs doing backstage interviews. He also was the ring announcer for the 2005 wrestling game Showdown: Legends of Wrestling. During his career, the bilingual announcer has appeared at thousands of events throughout the US, Canada, England, Ireland, Germany, Northern Ireland and the Caribbean. Gary set the stage for the world?s top wrestling stars in both English and Spanish. 
December 12th, 1952 in Seaside Park (Age 72)
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New Scanned Autograph (TTM/Probably Authentic)
New Scanned Autograph (TTM/Probably Authentic)
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