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Nordin Jbari
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Nordin Jbari is a Belgian football player from Moroccan descent. Just like Sanharib Malki, Jbari started his football career at local team SCUP Jette. Soon after, he went to the youth teams of Anderlecht. He made his d�but for the first team in 1995. Not getting too many chances at RSCA, Jbari decided to move to AA Gent, where he would only stay one year. During his period with Gent, Jbari would make his d�but as Red Devil. With this success, he went to Club Brugge, who were aiming more towards the top of the Belgian football competition. When his era at the blue and black side ended, Jbari decided to head for foreign football competitions. Troyes AC was Jbari's next team. He stayed there until the winter break of the 2001-02 season, as he went on loan to the Greek team Aris Thessaloniki F.C.. Jbari then returned to Troyes and stayed there for a 6 further months, until Ligue 2 side Grenoble Foot 38 bought him. But only six months later, Jbari would be an unattached football player. Jbari then had a successful test period with Cercle Brugge, who had just promoted to the Jupiler League, right before the 2003-04 season, a.o. impressing and scoring in a friendly against Sint-Truiden. 
February 5th, 1975 in Saint-Josse-ten-Noode / Sint-Joost-ten-Node (Age 50)
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