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Georgie Dann
French singer who lives in Spain
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Georgie Dann, is a French singer who studied for eight years at the Conservatoire de Paris and developed his artistic career in Spain starting in the 1970s, focusing on summer hits, in addition to getting his Master's degree. He was born in Paris. At times censured by the Franco regime and possessing a provocative and daring look, Georgie Dann became tremendously popular with songs featuring very catchy lyrics. Year after year, in an almost systematic fashion, he was to be found on the list of top-selling artists in Spain. During the 1960s, 70s and 80s, his songs were played on all the radio stations and by live bands at parties across the country. An enormously successful artist, another group decided to pay homage to him with their song "Que vuelva ya Georgie Dann" in 2003. He has two children, Patricia and Paul, who have followed their father into the world of show business. Both of his children perform as part of Calle Par�s. 
January 14th, 1940 in Paris (Age 85)
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