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Kenny Scharf
American Painter, b. 1958
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Kenny Scharf is an American painter who lives in Brooklyn, New York. He received his B.F.A. in 1980 with a major in painting at the School of Visual Arts located in Manhattan, New York City. Scharf's works consist of painting pop culture icons in a science fiction setting, such as the Flintstones and the Jetsons. He is most well known for his work in the 1980s interdisciplinary art scene. In 2002, he created and wrote the pilot for an animated series called The Groovenians; however, the pilot did poorly with both critics and audiences and was never picked up by Cartoon Network. Scharf was most known for his work in the East Village, Manhattan art scene of the 1980s, with shows at Fun gallery and Tony Shafrazi, before seeing his work embraced by museums, such as the Whitney, which selected him for the 1985 Whitney Biennial. It was during this time that he did the cover art for the B-52s' fourth studio album, Bouncing off the Satellites. Scharf was friends and former roommates with graffiti artist Keith Haring and appears in the documentary "The Universe of Keith Haring". 
January 1st, 1958 in Hollywood (Age 67)
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