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Edan Lepucki
Bestseller "California"
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General Information
Edan Lepucki is an American novelist notable for her debut novel titled California which rose to prominence as a result of a public dispute between comedian Stephen Colbert and online publisher Amazon. Colbert urged his viewers on two successive nights to pre-order copies of the novel from Colbert's own publisher, the Hachette Book Group. The novel was subsequently reviewed by national newspapers including the Boston Globe, Washington Post, the New York Times the LA Times, and others. The New York Times suggested Lepucki had, in effect, "won the literary Lotto". The San Jose Mercury News described Lepucki as a "terrific writer." According to one report, Lepucki signed 10,000 copies of her novel over the span of three days. Lepucki is an instructor with the UCLA Extension Writers' Program. Her fiction has appeared in McSweeney's, Los Angeles Times Magazine, Narrative Magazine, Meridian and elsewhere. Lepucki grew up in Los Angeles, California and graduated from Oberlin College and the University of Iowa Writers? Workshop. [More at Wikipedia]
1981 in ?ód?
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New Event: 2023/11/04 - The Old Church, , United States
New Event: 2023/09/12 - City Lights Inc, , United States
New Event: 2023/08/24 - Greenlight Bookstore, , United States
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