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Louise Lear
BBC Weather Person
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Louise Lear, is a BBC Weather presenter, appearing on BBC News, BBC World News, BBC Red Button and BBC Radio. She is also a regular forecaster on the BBC News at Six and was previously a weekend presenter on BBC Breakfast. Lear graduated from Middlesex Polytechnic in 1988 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music and Drama, where she developed her talents playing clarinet and piano. After a stint as a researcher for Children's BBC she took the job of sports presenter for an independent radio production company, covering amongst other events the 1994 Winter Olympics in Lillehammer. Lear began her weather presenting career at Central Television in 1992 and then spent two years at LBC in London. She joined the UK Weather Channel at its launch in 1996 and took up her most recent post at the BBC in April 1998. Lear has begun to present other BBC programmes, including Trading Up on BBC1. Lear was chosen to undertake the role as she and her husband have renovated four houses in London, including a cottage where they lived with their two young children. She has presented the weather forecast on the BBC One programme Countryfile. [More at Wikipedia]
December 14th, 1967 in Sheffield (Age 57)

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