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Keith Milow
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Keith Milow is a British artist, born in London, grew up in Baldock, Hertfordshire, lived in New York and Amsterdam, now lives in London. He is an abstract sculptor, as well as a painter and printmaker. His work can be characterized as architectural, monumental, and minimal. Throughout his career Keith Milow has been pre-occupied with the form of the Latin cross. During the last decenium of the 20th century, Keith Milow produced a series of sculptures and paintings which paid tribute to the great artists of the 20th century. A major influence on his work comes from the Dutch painter Piet Mondrian. Some of his painting and drawing demonstrates a mathematical precision that almost has the appearance of being computer-generated. Keith Milow was educated at the Knights Templar School in Baldock, the Camberwell School of Art, 1962?1967, and Royal College of Art, 1967-1968. In 1970 he received a Gregory Fellowship from Leeds University, which was followed in 1972 by a Harkness Fellowship to the USA. Awards included the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation award, the Arts Council of Great Britain major award, and the Edward Albee Foundation award. 
December 29th, 1945 in London (Age 79)
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