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Elaine Princi
Actress, was on Days of our Lives and One Life to Live
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General Information
Elaine Princi is a contemporary American actress. Princi is perhaps best known for portraying Dr. Dorian Lord on the ABC daytime soap opera One Life to Live from 1989 to 1993, between the stints of actress Robin Strasser. Princi was nominated for a Soap Opera Digest Award for "Outstanding Villainess: Daytime" in 1992 for her portrayal of Dorian Lord. Princi originated the role of Kate Winograd on Days of Our Lives which she portrayed from 1977 to 1979. Controversy among Days fans continues over whether or not Kate Winograd is actually current character Kate Roberts as it has never been officially stated by the show or in the story that the characters are one and the same. Because both characters had an extramarital affair with the very married Dr. Bill Horton, the assumption must be that they are one and the same woman; however, the story has never acknowledged the connection between a doctor named Kate Winograd and the Kate Reed who was introduced 14 years later. Princi also starred on As the World Turns as Miranda Marlowe-Hughes from March 1981 to March 1983, she remained on recurring status until December 1983. [More at Wikipedia]
December 14th, 1946 in Chambersburg (Age 78)
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