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Vivian Gonzalez
Meteorologist for WSVN Miami, FL
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Vivian Gonzalez, a native of Miami, FL, is a current Miami weather anchor for WSVN. Vivian joined 7 News in 2005 as a Weather Producer in the midst of the most active hurricane season on record. Thirty-one systems were spawned that year with Wilma and Katrina impacting South Florida directly. Her Geography background was extremely valuable in helping to track everything mother nature threw our way. Due to her hard work, she was quickly promoted to Weather Anchor in 2007 for "Today In Florida" Saturday Edition. It is her commitment and passion to keep you aware of South Florida's fast changing weather patterns that makes her a great team member. Vivian is a proud member of both The National Weather Association and American Meteorological Society. As a Miami native, Vivian knows the ins and outs of South Florida's weather. She enjoys being a part of the community teaching children about math and science. Vivian supports causes such as La Liga Contra El Cancer and participates with the Community Partnership for the Homeless and Habitat for Humanity. 
March 23rd, 1983 in (Age 41)
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