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Andrej Sporn
World Cup Skier
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Andrej ?porn is a Slovenian alpine skier. ?porn began his career as a competitor in slalom, though he had always shown great talent in both fast disciplines - the downhill and Super-G and is also good in giant slalom. He has been a successful competitor since early age, having won competitions in native Slovenia in junior category. He did very well at the Junior World Ski Championship and finished in the top ten in slalom as well as downhill. In the 2003/04 season, he shined in the European Cup in which he won finished 4th in the slalom standings. One of his early successes at that level was the slalom win at the Universiade in Zakopane, Poland, in February 2001. After having had mainly focused on slalom, after the super combination had been introduced as a new discipline, he started to compete in downhill, too. Good results convinced him to start training fast disciplines as main ones and he had help of top trainers with that. His debut in the Ski World Cup was in a slalom race at Beaver Creek in 2004 in which was he finished 8th. place. 
December 1st, 1981 in Kranjska Gora (Age 43)
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