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Derek Smith (6)
Buffalo Sabres Hockey Player born 1954 (1970's)
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General Information
Derek Robert Smith is a former Buffalo Sabres player that was drafted by the Sabres in 1974. He amassed 78 NHL goals in a nine-year career that also saw the forward play with the Detroit Red Wings. Smith was born in Quebec City, Quebec, but grew up in Ottawa, Ontario. Smith played his junior hockey for the Ottawa 67's and scored an impressive 52 goals in the 1972?1973 campaign. He backed up the performance with a 47-goal season the next year and this was enough to garner the attention of the Buffalo Sabres who drafted him in the 10th round of the 1974 NHL draft. He spent three seasons with the Hershey Bears of the AHL including a heroic playoff effort in 1975 where he scored seven goals in just eleven games. Smith also scored nearly a point a game for the Bears in 1976?1977. This is also the year when he got his first taste of NHL regular season action, playing in 5 games for the Sabres. In 1977, he became an NHL regular appearing in 36 regular season games and an additional eight playoff games. Smith broke out in the 1979?1980 season when he recorded career high 24 goals to go with 39 assists. He once again proved to be a playoff hero when he notched 12 points in just 13 games. 
July 31st, 1954 in Quebec City (Age 70)
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New Response (Success): Signed card
New Response (Success): signed one card
New Response (Success): 4 x 6 photo signed
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