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Geoff Brown (2)
Baseball Player
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General Information
Geoffrey Edmund "Geoff" Brown is a former Australian male tennis player, born in Murrurundi, New South Wales, Australia. He attended Parramatta Marist High School in 1938-9 before joining the R.A.A.F as a gunner. He was demobilised at the end of the war and returned to playing tennis. Brown was runner-up in the 1946 Wimbledon Championships singles final, losing in five sets to Yvon Petra, and doubles final playing with Dinny Pails. He also reached the doubles finals at the 1949 Australian Championships and 1950 Wimbledon Championships, in both he was partnered by compatriot Bill Sidwell and in both finals they lost to John Bromwich and Adrian Quist. He reached the quarterfinal at the 1949 Wimbledon Championships by defeating US champion Pancho Gonzales in the fourth round. With his countryman Dinny Pails he won the doubles title at the Irish Tennis Championships in July 1946. He won the singles title at the Kent Lawn Tennis Championships in 1948 and 1950. In April 1949 he reached the final of the South African Championships in Johannesburg but lost in four sets to Eric Sturgess. In April 1950 Brown won the Surrey Tennis Tournament against Paddy Robert in the final. 
April 4th, 1924 in Australia (Age 100)
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