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Kelly Garni
Quiet Riot, American metal band, bassist
  • General Info
General Information
Kelly Garni is an American Hard rock musician and photographer, who is best known for playing in the band Quiet Riot. Born in Los Angeles in 1957, Garni's family moved to Burbank, California in the early 1970s, where he met Randy Rhoads. He played bass with Quiet Riot for about five years, and appears on their 1977 self-titled album, as well as their second album, Quiet Riot II. He currently lives in Boulder City, Nevada where he pursues art in between music projects. On July 9, 2008, Kelly announced that he would be returning to music, in a band with Randy Rhoads' brother, Kelle Rhoads. The two old friends recorded an album with Wayne Findley of Michael Schenker fame and a blues album with Ohio blues legend Jerry Loos. They also toured Japan together, playing in small clubs with local musicians. 
January 1st, 1957 in Los Angeles (Age 68)
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