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Jari Mäenpää
  • General Info
General Information
Jari M�enp�� is a Finnish guitarist, keyboardist, bassist, songwriter and vocalist. He is the founder of the band Wintersun in which he performs vocals, plays guitar and keyboards. He also played bass on Wintersun's first album before hiring a full-time line-up. Before forming Wintersun, M�enp�� was best known for his time in the folk metal band Ensiferum, which he joined in 1996 after leaving his prior band named Immemorial. Wintersun was initially planned as a parallel project alongside Ensiferum, but in January, 2004 he was forced to leave Ensiferum due to clashes between their touring schedule and the studio recording time he had booked for Wintersun. In 1997, M�enp�� had to put his musical career on hold to take part in Finland's compulsory military service. In an interview, M�enp�� admitted he disliked the time he spent in the military and suspects it's where he acquired tuberculosis. Jari was also a member of the band ArthemesiA, and participated in Kimmo Miettinen's sideproject Lost Alone. 
December 23rd, 1977 in Finland (Age 47)
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