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Amber Barretto
Actress-Hang Time
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General Information
Amber Barretto is an American actress/model. Amber Barretto was born in Miami Beach, Florida. Her father is from Peru and met her mother while in California. She grew up in Michigan and New York. She was discovered while competing in the "Little Miss Michigan" pageant where one of the judges owned an agency, and her family later moved to New York City. Amber was a model for "Eva Joia" Eva Joia produces fashion wear for girls. Amber appeared in numerous fashion ads, for several different magazines in the 1980s. Amber also did commercials for numerous different products. She auditioned for Hang Time on tape in New York, when Peter Engel, the executive producer of the show, saw the tape and flew her out to Los Angeles. She found out that day that she got the part of "Kristy Ford". After being hired for the show Hang Time, she had four days to go back to New York, get all her stuff and go back to L.A. and find a place to live. She is best known for her role in the 1989 film Little Monsters, in which she played Kiersten. She also had minor roles in American Dreams and The O.C.. Amber is currently married to Gregory Laks of Beachwood, Ohio. 
January 19th, 1978 in Miami Beach (Age 47)
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