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Jeffrey Dunn
Musician/Guitarist/Former member of Venom
  • General Info
General Information
Jeff "Mantas" Dunn is a British guitarist best known as one of the founding members of seminal Thrash/speed metal band Venom, with which he played as a guitarist from 1979 to 1985 and 1989 - 2002. In 1986 he left Venom to form the band Mantas which so far has recorded two full-length albums: Winds of Change in 1988, and Zero Tolerance in 2004. In 1992 he played guitars for Warfare, a NWOBHM band from the UK. In 2006, Mantas toured with German hardcore techno act Scooter in Germany as an additional member on guitar. As of 2007, Dunn was working with the band Dryll. In 2009, he guested on German metalcore band Last One Dying's debut album The Hour of Lead 2010 Jeff Dunn and former Venom members, Antony "Antton" Lant and Tony "The Demolition Man" Dolan are back with their new band, initially called Primevil but now Mpire of Evil. 
Other Names
  • Jeff 'Mantas' Dunn
April 22nd, 1961 in Newcastle upon Tyne (Age 63)
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