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Dubravka Tomsic
Concert pianist
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General Information
Dubravka Tom?i? Srebotnjak is a Slovenian pianist and music teacher. Her great talent for the piano became obvious while receiving private lessons at a young age, so it was only natural that she continue her education in the field, first at the Music High School in Ljubljana and later at the Slovene Academy of Music under professor Zora Zarnikova. Following the advice of concert pianist Claudio Arrau, she went to the United States at age 12 and in 1957 graduated from the Juilliard School of Music in New York, studying under professor Katharine Bacon, while at the same time receiving coaching from Alexander Uninsky. Arthur Rubinstein heard her New York Town Hall recital and invited her to study with him privately. Her lessons with him occurred over a period of years in the late 1950s and Tom?i? became one of only a handful of Rubinstein's proteg�es. Their friendship lasted for the rest of Rubinstein's life. Since 1967 she has taught piano at the Slovene Academy of music in Ljubljana and since 1975 as a full professor. She has had a wide ranging concert career and is often invited to judge piano competitions including Van Cliburn, Leeds, L. v. Beethoven, Clara Haskil, and others. 
February 7th, 1940 in Dubrovnik (Age 85)

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