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Albert Crews
Flight (astronaut)
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Albert Hanlin Crews, Jr. is a retired colonel in the United States Air Force and a former USAF astronaut. He was born on in El Dorado, Arkansas and is married with three children. He graduated in 1950 from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette with a bachelor of science degree in chemical engineering. He earned a master's of science in aeronautical engineering from the United States Air Force Institute of Technology in 1959. He was selected as a military astronaut designee in the second group of X-20 Dyna-Soar astronauts on April 20, 1962 and assigned as a Dyna-Soar pilot on September 20, 1962. The Dyna-Soar program was cancelled in 1963. On November 12, 1965 he was selected as an astronaut in the first group for the Manned Orbiting Laboratory program. He transferred to NASA Flight Crew Directorate at the Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas in June 1969 when the MOL program was cancelled. He remained a pilot for NASA, flying such aircraft as the "Super Guppy" outsize cargo transport, the WB-57F atmospheric research aircraft and the OV-095 SAIL space shuttle simulator until he retired at age 65. 
March 23rd, 1929 in El Dorado (Age 95)
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New Scanned Autograph (TTM/Probably Authentic)
New Response (Success): Recd 8x10 b/w inscribed photo.
New Response (Success): I sent him a First Day Cover to sign which he did ..
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