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Bob Singer
Penciler for hanna barbara
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General Information
Bob Singer is an American animation artist, character designer, layout and background artist and storyboard director of animated television programs, most memorably of several Hanna Barbara productions such as The Flintstones, Jonny Quest, Scooby-Doo, Yogi Bear, Droopy, Tom and Jerry, The Jetsons, The Smurfs, Superfriends, Richie rich and the Harlem Globe Trotters cartoons. Bob was born in Santa Barbara and raised in Santa Paula. He attended the Art Center College of Design in Los Angeles and graduated in 1955 with honors and a BPA. He worked at Carson/Roberts Advertising until 1956, then entered the fledgling Los Angeles television animation industry. During his tenure there he worked for such companies as Marvel, Hanna Barbara, U.P.A. Pictures, Shamus Culhane and Warner Bros. Hanna Barbara used Bob's talents for twenty seven years, and during that time he worked on many of the most popular Hanna Barbara television shows. He was the founding creator of their character design department, layout department head, and later became art director of publicity. He also served as a guest lecturer at the University of Southern California, and several local high schools. 
January 1st, 1928 in United States of America (Age 97)
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New Scanned Autograph (TTM/Probably Authentic)
New Response (OLD!) (Success): Mr. Singer signed my Godzilla photo, Flintstones d..
New Response (Success): Sent 1 photo and he signed it for me.
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