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Bruno Tobback
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Bruno Tobback is the president of the Flemish socialist party Different Socialist Party. He was Minister of Environment and Pensions in the Belgian federal government from 2004 until 2007. He is the son of former minister and current Mayor of Leuven Louis Tobback. He is a Licentiate in Law and a Licentiate in Social and Economic Law. He was a member of the Flemish Parliament from 1995 to 2004. On 18 September 2011 he was elected chairman of SP.A. Bruno Tobback wishes to ban old-fashioned incandescent light bulbs, and thinks the ban on incandescent light bulbs should be included in the list of measures under the Kyoto Protocol. He has a Master's Degree in Law and a Master's Degree Social and Economic Law. He was the president of the SP.a-group in the Flemish Parliament. He was responsible for environment, conservation of nature and mobility. On 18 September 2008, he was badly injured after a fall during mountain climbing in Austria, after which he was taken to hospital with several cracks in the skull and multiple fractures. His girlfriend Vicky Willems managed to encounter his fall, as they were linked to each other with a cord. 
August 22nd, 1969 in Leuven (Age 55)
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