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Pauline Latham
British Politician
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General Information
Pauline Elizabeth Latham is a British Conservative Party politician, who was elected at the 2010 general election as the Member of Parliament for Mid Derbyshire, a new constituency created as a result of changes made by the Boundary Commission for England. Latham had been a Conservative member of Derbyshire County Council from 1987 to 1993, and a Derby City Councillor from 1992 to 1996 and from 1998 to 2010. She held the position of Mayor of Derby during 2007/08. She has a special interest in education issues, being a school governor for twelve years. She was a candidate for Broxtowe in 2001 and stood as a European candidate in 1999 and 2005 for the East Midlands. Latham was a member of the A-List. Latham has been criticised by humans rights groups for her support for Israel. In 2012 she attempted to have the Foreign Secretary declare in Parliament that Britain expected the Palestinian Authority to return to direct peace negotiations without preconditions. The question was notionally phrased in terms of supporting the West Bank's economy and is largely seen as a backhanded means of introducing the issue. 
February 4th, 1948 in Lincolnshire (Age 77)
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New Address: Available to members only
The Celebrity Name has been changed from Paul Latham
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