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John Howell (2)
British Politician
  • General Info
General Information
John Michael Howell OBE [FSA] FRGS is a British Conservative Party politician and the Member of Parliament for Henley, having won the seat with an increased share of the vote in the Henley by-election, 2008. John Howell studied at the University of Edinburgh and holds a doctorate in archaeology from St John's College, Oxford. He worked as a tax inspector for the Inland Revenue before moving into the world of accountancy and consultancy as a tax adviser at Arthur Andersen and Ernst & Young. He became a partner in Ernst & Young in 1990 and was responsible for opening Eastern Europe after the fall of communism. Howell has also been a presenter for BBC World and was a councillor on Oxfordshire County Council from 2004 to 2009. In 2000, he was appointed an Officer of the Order of the British Empire for "services to Export in Central and Eastern Europe." Following the 2010 General Election, Howell was appointed the Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Leader of the House of Commons and the Lord Privy Seal, then Sir George Young, Bt. MP. Howell is a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries and of the Royal Geographical Society. 
July 27th, 1955 in London (Age 69)
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