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Joël Prévost
French singer
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General Information
Jo�l Pr�vost is a French singer, best known for his participation in the 1978 Eurovision Song Contest. Born in the Languedoc-Roussillon region of southern France, Pr�vost was adopted soon after birth by a family from northern France, renamed Jean-Luc Potaux, and grew up at Trith-Saint-L�ger, close to the border with Belgium. He moved to Paris in 1970 and in 1972 signed a contract with CBS Records, releasing a string of singles and touring over the next few years with artists such as Serge Gainsbourg, Mike Brant, Mich�le Torr and Serge Lama. In 1977, Pr�vost entered the French Eurovision selection with the song "Pour oublier Barbara", but failed to progress from the semi-final. The following year, his song "Il y aura toujours des violons" was chosen as the French representative for the 23rd Eurovision Song Contest. Strangely, the song only finished second in its semi-final before emerging the clear winner in the final. As a result of Marie Myriam's victory for France the previous year, the 1978 Eurovision was held in Paris on 22 April. 
February 6th, 1950 in Narbonne (Age 75)
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