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Phil Ehart
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Phillip W. Ehart is the drummer in the progressive rock band Kansas. He and Rich Williams are the only two members who have appeared on every Kansas album. Though his songwriting contributions to the group were rare, he co-wrote two of their biggest hits, "Point of Know Return" and "Play the Game Tonight". He has also taken on the band's management responsibilities in recent years. Born in Coffeyville, Kansas on February 4, 1951, Ehart took up the drums in grade school. He lived all over the world as his Air Force father was stationed in such places as the Philippines and Japan. Ehart contacted Kerry Livgren about joining a band named White Clover after hearing that Livgren's band Kansas had recently disbanded. White Clover in time renamed itself "Kansas." This third Kansas is the band that became the well-known American progressive rock band. In the early 1970s Ehart, like many American musicians, wanted to more closely study and play the "British" style of music that was popular at the time, so he moved to England. 
February 4th, 1950 in Coffeyville (Age 75)
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