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Michel Martelly
President of Haiti
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Michel Joseph Martelly, also known by his stage name "Sweet Micky", is a Haitian politician, former musician and businessman. Since May 2011 he is the President of Haiti, having been one of Haiti's best-known musicians for over a decade. For various reasons Martelly has moved a number of times between the United States and Haiti, living primarily in Florida during his time in the US. As a singer and keyboardist, "Sweet Micky" is known for his compas music, which is a style of Haitian dance music sung predominantly in the Haitian Creole language, but he blended this with other styles. Martelly popularized a "new generation" of compas with smaller bands relying on synthesizers and electronic instruments. From 1989 to 2008 Martelly recorded over a dozen studio albums and a number of live CDs. As a musician and club owner in Haiti in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Martelly became associated with the Duvalierist Haitian military and police, including figures such as police chief Michel Fran�ois, and he agreed with the 1991 Haitian coup d'�tat against Jean-Bertrand Aristide. 
Other Names
  • Sweet Micky
February 12th, 1961 in Port-au-Prince (Age 64)
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New Event: 2018/11/21 - New York, NY, US
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