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Warren Jeffs
Jailed polygamous sect leader FLDS
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Warren Steed Jeffs is a former president of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. In 2011, Jeffs was convicted of two felony counts of child sexual assault. Jeffs gained international notoriety in May 2006 when he was placed on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted List for unlawful flight to avoid prosecution on Utah state charges related to his alleged arrangement of illegal marriages between his adult male followers and underage girls. He was arrested in August 2006 in Nevada, and agreed to be taken to Utah for trial. In May and July 2007, Arizona charged him with eight additional counts, including sexual conduct with minors and incest, in two separate cases. His Utah trial, which began in early September 2007 in St. George, lasted less than a month, and on September 25 he was convicted of two counts of rape as an accomplice. On November 20, 2007, Jeffs was sentenced to imprisonment for 10 years to life and began serving his sentence at the Utah State Prison. However, the conviction was overturned by the Utah Supreme Court on July 27, 2010, due to incorrect jury instructions. 
December 3rd, 1955 in San Francisco (Age 69)
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