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Sean Martin Hingston
Actor, 'Sex and the City' (2.16, as David)
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General Information
Se�n Martin Hingston is a New York-based actor. Se�n started his career as a child actor in TV commercials. He was educated at Eltham High School, Victoria, where he began his theatrical career in productions of A Midsummers Night's Dream, Romeo and Juliet, Pippin and The Real Inspector Hound. As a graduate of the Dance Factory, Melbourne, he performed in theatre restaurants around the city and as one of Tony Bartuccio's dancers on Countdown for the Australian Broadcasting Commission. He joined the original production of Cats in Australia in 1986, six months into its inaugural Sydney season. A national tour of Man of la Mancha and the original Australian production of 42nd Street followed. After teaming with Ignatius Jones on Pardon Me Boys, Se�n soon hit the jazz circuit as front man for the jazz/tap act, The Fabulous Rhythm Boys, touring Australia and the South Pacific. Landing his first NYC audition Se�n was cast in Broadway Tonight, a review of Broadway showstoppers bound for Europe. This was followed by Anything Goes for Berlin's Theater des Westens. 
December 16th, 1965 in Melbourne (Age 59)
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New Event: 2015/05/21 - Millburn, nj, Usa
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