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Adrian Branch
Retired nba basketball player debut 1986
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General Information
Adrian Francis Branch is a retired American professional basketball player. A 6'7" guard/forward out of DeMatha high school, Branch starred at the University of Maryland from 1981 to 1985. He was an All-ACC second team selection twice. In 1984 Branch led the Terrapins to the ACC Championship. He finished his career at Maryland as their second all-time leading scorer. In 2004, Branch was honored at the ACC Tournament as an ?ACC Legend.? Branch was drafted into the NBA in the second round by the Chicago Bulls in 1985. He played a reserve role with the Los Angeles Lakers when they won the NBA Championship in 1987. He later played in Australia for the NBL's Geelong Supercats and Brisbane Bullets, as well as playing in Spain, France, Monaco, Thailand, Philippines, Israel, Turkey and the Dominican Republic. Branch has worked with Sportsworld Ministries, Fellowship of Christian Athletes Young Life, Youth for Christ, Youth With A Mission, Athletes in Action and Sports Power International. In 2004 he became a television color analyst for the NBA's Charlotte Bobcats games. Adrian Branch joined ESPN in 2007 as a college basketball analyst. 
November 17th, 1963 in Washington, D.C. (Age 61)
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