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Jacques Casterede
French composer
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Jacques Cast�r�de was a French composer and pianist. He studied at Lyc�e Buffon in Paris. He gained his baccalaureat in elementary mathematics, before he entered Paris National Conservatory of Music in 1944 and began studying piano under Armand Fert�, composition under Tony Aubin, analysis under Olivier Messiaen. While at the conservatory, between 1948 and 1953 he obtained 5 first prizes. He also won the Grand Prix de Rome in 1953 with his cantata La bo�te de Pandore. The following year, he went to Rome where he stayed until 1958, at the Villa Medici. In 1960, he was appointed as a professor of solfege in Paris National Conservatory, then counseller of piano study in 1966, and analysis in 1971. In addition, he taught composition at Ecole Normale from 1983 to 1988, analysis from 1988 to 1998. On request from Chinese government, he became a professor of composition at the Central Academy in Beijing. He keeps the position with the request-renewal. He has received numerous awards as a composer, among them the Paris Civil Award in 1991, Charles Cros Award and Record Academy Award in 1995. 
April 10th, 1926 in Paris (Age 98)
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