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David Erb
Retired jockey and trainer in Thoroughbred horse racing
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David Erb is a retired jockey and trainer in Thoroughbred horse racing. He started riding as a young farm boy and began his professional riding career in 1938, competing at tracks in his native Nebraska. He got his first win at Oaklawn Park Race Track in Hot Springs, Arkansas. In the June 18, 1955 Californian Stakes at Hollywood Park Racetrack, Dave Erb was the substitute rider for the suspended Bill Shoemaker aboard Swaps. Erb piloted the three-year-old colt to a world record time of 1:40 2/5 for a mile and a sixteenth on dirt. That same year, Dave Erb became the regular jockey for future U.S. Racing Hall of Fame inductee, Swoon's Son. Ridden by Erb in all but one of his twenty-two career stakes race wins, they raced primarily at tracks in Chicago and Kentucky In 1956 Erb won the most important races of his career aboard the future Hall of Fame colt, Needles. After winning the Flamingo Stakes and the Florida Derby, Erb and Needles narrowly missed winning the American Triple Crown. They won the Kentucky Derby, finished second to Fabius in the Preakness Stakes, then won the Belmont Stakes. After retiring as a jockey in 1960, Dave Erb trained horses. 
November 28th, 1923 in York (Age 101)
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New Response (Success): 3x5 photo signed
New Scanned Autograph (TTM/Probably Authentic)
New Response (Success): Signed my SI cover beautifully for $25 donation.
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