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Bai Kamara, Jr.
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General Information
Morlai Bai Kamara Jr. is a singer-songwriter and performer based in Brussels, Belgium. Bai was born in Bo Town, Sierra Leone, and spent his childhood years there. Due to both his parents? involvement in government jobs, he was exposed to the harsh realities of African politics at a young age, and this theme is prevalent in much of his music today. At the age of 15 Bai moved to England to continue his schooling, living in Bath and Manchester, where he started to write his first songs. In 1990 he moved to Brussels and decided to pursue a career in music rather than continue with his business studies. Primarily the themes of Bai Kamara?s music revolve around humanitarian themes such as social injustice, political or economic refuge, the environment, and personal relationships. He has worked with Youssou N?Dour and the Refugee Voices, for a UNHCR project entitled Building Bridges, and released in 1998. He also currently works with Nader Hamid, an electric guitar player and singer-songwriter originally from Iraq, and they are recording their second album together. In 2007 Bai worked and toured with Vaya con Dios, where they covered one of his most well-known songs, Substitute. 
December 2nd, 1966 in Sierra Leone (Age 58)
Last Changes
New Event: 2014/05/08 08:30 PM - FERME DU BIEREAU-LOUVAIN LA NEUVE, Louvain La N..
New Event: 2011/03/05 08:20 PM - Théâtre Marni, Ixelles, Belgium
New Event: 2011/02/19 10:22 PM - Viage Brussel, Brussels, Belgium
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