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Richard Hobert
Swedish filmdirector
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General Information
Richard Hobert is a Swedish scriptwriter and film director. Hobert was born in Kalmar. He studied political science, languages and film/theatre at the Lund University from 1970-73. He debuted as a radio playwright in 1974. Hobert worked as a writer and assistant director up to his debut as a director in 1978. During the eighties he wrote and directed several TV-films, among them the internationally awarded "The Twelve Months of Summer", "Age Unknown" and "The Fifteenth Chieftain". His debut on the big screen 1993, "Spring of Joy", was the first film in a cycle of seven, called "The Seven Deadly Sins". The stories were focused on the same Swedish family, ranging from comedy to drama and even a thriller. He wrote, directed and co-produced the huge project during the nineties. "Spring of Joy" was awarded the prestigious "The Ingmar Bergman-Prize", Bergman" with Bergman�s personal motivation:"A Masterpiece". "Spring of Joy" as well as the other films in the Cycle:"The Hands","Autumn in Paradise", "Run for your life", "The Eye", "Where the Rainbow ends" and "The Birthday" received Scandinavian and international awards. 
December 1st, 1951 in Kalmar (Age 73)
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