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Keali'i Reichel
Hawaiian singer
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General Information
Carleton Lewis Keali?inaniaimokuokalani Reichel popularly known as Keali?i Reichel, is a popular and bestselling singer, songwriter, choreographer, dancer, chanter, scholar, teacher, and personality from Hawai?i. He has spent his life educating the world about Hawaiian culture through music and dance. Keali?i Reichel was born and raised on the island of Maui. Reichel grew up in the town of Lahaina where he attended Lahainaluna High School, however he spent weekends and summers with his maternal grandmother in the plantation town of P??ia. At the age of 24, Reichel was convicted of theft, and was sentenced to community service, which involved a study of Hawaiian culture. This marked a turning point in his life, as he decided to devote the rest of his life to the study and promotion of Hawaiian culture. Reichel was one of the founding directors for Punana Leo O Maui, a Hawaiian language immersion pre-school. He has taught Hawaiian culture and language at the University of Hawai?i's, Maui Community College, and he was the Cultural Resource Specialist and curator at the Bailey House Museum in Wailuku. 
January 1st, 1961 in Maui (Age 64)
Last Changes
New Event: 2022/11/20 - Honolulu, HI, US
New Event: 2022/11/19 - Honolulu, HI, US
New Event: 2021/10/29 - San Diego, CA, US
Page Changes

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